West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday said her government will hand over the RG Kar hospital doctor murder probe to the CBI if the police are unable to solve the case by Sunday.
Banerjee also said she wants the case to be tried in a fast-track court.
“I want the police to arrest the culprits as soon as possible. If they are not able to crack the case by Sunday, we will hand it over to the CBI. I don’t have an issue with the central agency taking over, but its success rate is low,” she told reporters here after visiting the residence of the deceased doctor.
The chief minister made a mention of a few high-profile cases that the CBI “could not solve”.
The body of the woman post-graduate trainee, who was allegedly raped and murdered inside a seminar hall of the hospital, was found on Friday morning. A civic volunteer was arrested on Saturday in connection with the case.
Banerjee said the family members of the deceased doctor suspect that an insider was involved.
“I have told the police that if there is any such doubt against anyone – the victim’s friends and others – should be questioned,” she said.
Banerjee also said the principal of the hospital has resigned from the post.
“He has spoken about the abuses hurled at him (after the incident). We have shifted him to another department. We have also removed the MSVP (medical superintendent and vice principal) due to negligence. The head of the chest medicine department and Kolkata Police’s ACP in charge of RG Kar hospital’s security have also been removed,” she said.