Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi sparked controversy on Tiruvalluvar Day by paying floral tributes to a portrait of the saint-poet depicted in saffron attire, drawing sharp criticism from Tamil Nadu Congress Committee (TNCC) President K. Selvaperunthagai. The Congress leader deemed the portrayal “unacceptable” and urged the central government to recall the Governor.
On the occasion of Tiruvalluvar Day, observed on the second day of the Tamil month of ‘Thai,’ Governor Ravi honoured the revered Tamil poet by showering flowers on a decorated portrait at the Raj Bhavan. The depiction of Tiruvalluvar in saffron robes, adorned with religious symbols like Rudraksha beads, sacred ash, and kumkum, ignited political backlash.
In a post on X, Ravi praised Tiruvalluvar’s contribution to Indian culture, stating,
“The nation remembers with profound gratitude and utmost reverence Tiruvalluvar, the Tamil patron saint of Bharat. Several thousand years ago, he bequeathed us the unparalleled wisdom of Tirukkural, the matchless guide for every individual and institution.”
Ravi highlighted the poet’s role in promoting devotion to God and virtuous conduct, calling Tirukkural a comprehensive guide for society and governance. He also lauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi for amplifying the global resonance of Tirukkural’s teachings.
TNCC President K. Selvaperunthagai strongly condemned the use of a saffronized depiction of Tiruvalluvar, arguing that it violated the law requiring the use of a government-recognized portrait.
“It is condemnable and regrettable that the Governor, who must uphold the law, is doing this. The union government should recall the Governor who is continuously insulting not only the Tamil Nadu government but also the Tamil race and Tiruvalluvar,” Selvaperunthagai stated on social media.
The incident has reignited debates about the politicization of Tamil cultural icons. Tiruvalluvar, traditionally depicted in simple white robes symbolizing neutrality, has been at the center of ideological tussles, with political factions accusing each other of appropriating his image to align with their narratives.
Governor Ravi’s actions are the latest in a series of controversies that have strained his relationship with the Tamil Nadu government and opposition parties. The demand for his recall underscores the growing friction between the Governor’s office and regional political stakeholders.
As the controversy unfolds, it underscores the deep cultural significance of Tiruvalluvar in Tamil Nadu.