2019 general elections: Modi says Central station to be named after MGR

Chennai: Prime Minister Narendra Modi stormed into Kanchipuram district and set the tone for the campaign in the 2019 general elections for the BJP alliance with the AIADMK.

He made two major announcements the most important being that the famous Chennai Central station would henceforth carry the name of MGR. He pointed to Railway Minister Piyush Goyal on the dais, who smiled and nodded his head.

The second announcement was that planes leaving from and arriving in Tamilnadu would also have announcements in Tamil.

Modi praised the life and work of late chief minister M G Ramachandran and said commended his welfare activities.

He said he had visited the birthplace of MGR in Sri Lanka when he visited that country. In the same tangent, he said his government was doing everything for the welfare of Tamils in Sri Lanka. It was building 14,000 houses for the displaced Tamils of the island nation and 1,000 houses have already been handed over. Also, 3,000 houses were in the process of being completed, while land clearance was being sought for the rest of the houses.

The Prime Minister pointed out that it was he who was being targeted by the Congress and Opposition. In fact, he said one Congress leader has threatened to kill him. But, he said, he was not worried about all that and was dedicated himself for the progress of the nation with every drop of the blood in his veins.

He criticised the DMK for aligning with the Congress, which had, he pointed out, during the Emergency, dismissed its government in Tamilnadu. But they are not bothered about ideology and were merely opportunistic, he said.