Man hammers wife to death at Pulianthope

Chennai: Following a tiff with his wife over selling their house, a husband used a hammer to kill his wife at Pulianthope.

According to the police, they arrested Ramakrishnan (69), a resident of Corporation Lane, Sixth Street, Pulianthope. He lived here with his wife Jyothi (65) while the couple’s five children are all married and settled.

The police said the duo often argued about selling their house. While Ramakrishnan wanted Jyothi to sell it and give him the money, she vehemently resisted the idea. Ramakrishnan had a small business earlier but is currently unemployed while Jyothi was a housewife.

On 7 July, after a fight, Ramakrishnan hit Jyothi with a hammer six times. She was rushed to Government Stanley Hospital were she was in a critical condition and Ramakrishnan was arrested the same day for attempt to murder.

At 1 am today, Jyothi passed away. The Pulianthope police altered the case to murder. They have registered a case.