Chennai: Save Velacheri Water Bodies Forum has been desilting, deepening and cleaning two neighbourhood tanks – Nattar Kuttai at Nattar Street and Puliyan Keni at Brahmin Street in Velacheri since 26 June.
On the fourth consecutive Saturday (20 July), members of the forum and general public took part in the initiative and witnessed the progress of the project.
“For the past 10 days, earth movers have been deployed to deepen Nattar Kuttai upto 12 feet. Storm water drains of the surrounding areas have been connected to this tank. As a result, around two-feet of rainwater was been collected inside the pond. This is a fit reward from nature for the effort taken by the public,” said a press release.
On 20 July, 60 NSS students of Guru Nanak College participated in cleaning Puliyan Keni at Brahmin Street. This was inspected by Varghese, Regional Deputy Commissioner, Chennai Corporation; Tamilselvam, Zone 13 Assistant Commissioner, Chennai Corporation, Murali, Executive Engineer and Superintend Engineer SWD. The officials appreciated the volunteers for the ongoing work.