Rs 23.6 lakh worth gold seized at Chennai airport

Chennai: Officials of Customs Air Intelligence Unit have seized 464 grams of gold worth Rs 23.6 lakh from a flight which arrived from Dubai at the Anna International airport.

A release from the Airport Commissioner of Customs here said, based on intelligence that gold was likely to be smuggled from Dubai by concealing in aircraft, the officials rummaged the Indigo Airlines flight which had arrived from Dubai and found two packets of gold paste form wrapped with adhesive tape weighing 406 grams.

It was concealed ingeniously in the inner panel of the aircraft body/ wall next to one of the seats.

On extraction 309 grams gold of 24 k purity worth Rs 15.72 lakh was recovered and seized as unclaimed under Customs Act.

In another case, one Kalil Rahman (49), of Ramanathapuram, who arrived by the same flight was intercepted at exit.

On personal search, one gold paste bundle weighing 176 grams was recovered, which on extraction yielded 154 grams of gold valued at Rs 7.84 lakh.

Further investigation is under progress.