TRP scam: Republic’s CEO arrested

Vikas Khanchandani

Chennai: Mumbai Police arrested Republic Media Network’s chief executive officer Vikas Khanchandani on Sunday in connection with the alleged TRP (Television Rating Points) rigging scam, an official said.

Khanchandani was arrested from his residence by the police’s Crime Intelligence Unit (CIU), he said.

In the afternoon, he was produced before a magistrate’s court here, which remanded him in police custody till 15 December.

Although the police sought his remand for 14 days for interrogation in the case, the court granted only two days of his custody to them after hearing the arguments made by the defence lawyer.

The police began a probe into the alleged scam after ratings agency Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) filed a complaint through Hansa Research Agency about rigging of TRP by some channels.

TRP, measured by recording viewership data at sample households, is crucial for attracting advertisers.

The BARC engaged Hansa to install and maintain barometers which record TV viewership data at sample households.

It was alleged that some of these families were being bribed to tune into certain channels to ramp up their TRP.

The Republic TV has denied any wrongdoing. The police have arrested a total of 13 persons in the case so far.