You’ve placed India in highly dangerous position: Rahul to PM

New Delhi: Congress leader and MP Rahul Gandhi today hit out at the Centre for its ‘mishandling’ of the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said that he was compelled to write to Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the Covid tsunami continues to ravage our country unabated.

In this fresh letter to Modi, Rahul said that the people of India must be the Government’s foremost priority in such an unprecedented crisis.

“I urge you to do everything in your power to stop the needless suffering that our people are going through. India is home to one out of every six human beings on the planet. The pandemic has demonstrated that our size, genetic diversity and complexity make India fertile ground for the virus to rapidly mutate, transforming itself into a more contagious and more dangerous form. The double and triple mutant strains that we are currently grappling with are only the beginning, I fear,” he said.

Listing out four urgent steps to tackle the crisis including scientific tracking of the virus and its mutations across the country using genome sequencing as well as its disease patterns, he urged the Centre to dynamically assess the efficacy of all vaccines against all new mutations.

Rahul reiterated his statement of rapidly vaccinating the entire population and urged the centre to keep the world informed about India’s findings.

Stating that “Your government’s lack of a clear and coherent Covid and vaccination strategy, as well as its hubris in declaring premature victory as the virus was exponentially spreading, has placed India in a highly dangerous position,” he added that the GOI’s failures have made another devastating national lockdown almost inevitable.