‘Foreign fighters in Libya are violating ceasefire’

Posted on   1:03 pm

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a report to the UN Security Council obtained Friday by The Associated Press that the smooth transfer of power to a new interim government, which took power in March, brings renewed hope for the reunification of the country and its institutions and for a lasting peace. But he said progress must continue on the political, economic and security tracks to enable elections to go ahead on December 24.

S Korean President officially appoints new PM

Posted on   12:47 pm

South Korea’s former interior minister Kim Boo Kyum has been officially appointed as the country’s new Prime Minister, receiving the certificate of appointment from President Moon Jae In here on Friday.

China lands spacecraft on Mars

Posted on   12:40 pm

A Chinese spacecraft carrying the country’s first Mars rover has touched down on the red planet, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) confirmed on Saturday morning.