Union Power Minister, RK Singh said that the nation is now power surplus in comparison to what it was in 2014, adding that the country can transfer 1.12 lakh Megawatt (MW) of power from one corner of the country to another.
Addressing a press conference, the union minister highlighted that the ministry overcame a deficit of 13 to 15 per cent.
We constructed 2,900 new substations, upgraded 3,800 substations and added 7.5 lakh new transformers. We achieved the target of having 40 per cent of our established power generation capacity from non-fossil fuels in November 2021, said Singh.
In order to further accelerate the ambitious renewable energy programmes, ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and green energy for all, Green Open Access Rules, 2022 were notified on June 6.
As per the Ministry of Power and Renewable Energy, These rules are notified for promoting generation, purchase and consumption of green energy including the energy from Waste-to-Energy plants
The notified Rules enable simplified procedure for the open access to green power. It will enable faster approval of Green OA, Uniform Banking, Voluntary purchase of RE power by commercial and industrial consumers, the applicability of OA charges etc. Ministry said
The Ministry further said Commercial and Industrial consumers are allowed to purchase green power on a voluntary basis. Captive Consumers can take power under Green Open Access with no minimum limit. Discom Consumers can demand-supply of Green power to them.