Guidance Tamil Nadu, the nodal agency to promote investments in the State, has decided to support companies that comply with the environmental-social and governance for Atmanirbhar Bharat norms, a top official said on Tuesday.There is a change in the mindset of business in terms of sustainability and protecting the environment, Guidance Tamil Nadu managing director and CEO Pooja Kulkarni said at an event organised by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), southern region.”It is no longer a mere token effort for businesses when it comes to the environment but is more about business continuity. As a State, we do not just promote companies that stands for ESG but also stand by companies by supporting them that complies with ESG norms,” she said in a press release from CII.Elaborating, Kulkarni said the garment export industry in Tamil Nadu has taken the lead in terms of adhering to ESG norms. “The State’s industrial policy also provides a few subsidies and incentives to sunrise industries such as wind and solar manufacturing industries to adopt sustainable initiatives,” she said.