Birth certificate to be single document for Aadhaar from October 1

Posted on   3:59 pm

Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Act, 2023 that allows the use of a birth certificate as a single document for admission to an educational institution, issuance of a driving licence, preparation of voter list, Aadhaar number, registration of marriage, appointment to a government job and for any other purpose determined by the centre will come into force from October 1.

Outrage in US over death of Indian student

Posted on   3:53 pm

The Biden administration has assured the Indian government of a quick investigation into the death of Indian student Jaahnavi Kandula in Seattle after being struck by a speeding police patrol car and bringing to justice the police officers who were responsible for it.

‘Not possible to release Cauvery water to TN’

Posted on   3:50 pm

Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Thursday shot off a letter to the Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekawat, stating it is not possible to release the Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu pushing farmers, people and livestock of his state into crisis.