Stalin criticises BJP government’s decision to lower NEET PG cut-off

In a scathing critique of the Union BJP Government’s recent decision, Chief Minister M K Stalin has raised serious concerns about the lowering of the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Postgraduate (NEET PG) cut-off to zero. The move, which has sparked controversy and debate across the nation, is being condemned by Stalin as rendering the NEET “meaningless” and detrimental to the merit-based selection process.

Expressing his concerns on a social media platform, Chief Minister M K Stalin stated, “By reducing the NEET PG cut-off to ‘zero,’ they are accepting that ‘eligibility’ in National ‘Eligibility’ Cum Entrance Test is meaningless. It’s just about coaching centers and paying for the exam. No more qualification is required.” This statement underscores his belief that the recent decision undermines the very essence of NEET.

Stalin’s criticism goes beyond the specific reduction of the NEET PG cut-off. He argues that NEET has evolved into a mere formality, lacking any meaningful eligibility criteria, and has strayed from its original purpose of assessing merit. “NEET = 0. NEET has nothing to do with merit, which we have been saying all along. It has become a mere formality, devoid of any real eligibility criteria,” Stalin asserted.

Furthermore, the Chief Minister did not mince words when addressing the human cost associated with the NEET. He expressed deep concern over the lives lost due to the exam and accused the Union BJP Government of being heartless in the face of these tragedies. “The Union BJP Government remained heartless despite so many precious lives being lost and has now come up with an order like this. The BJP Government must be removed just for causing the loss of lives with the guillotine called NEET,” Stalin declared.

As this debate unfolds, it remains to be seen whether the Union BJP Government will reconsider its decision in light of the strong opposition from Chief Minister M K Stalin and others who share his concerns about the future of NEET and its impact on aspiring medical students across the country.