Protests against TN govt’s nod for Airport Land Acquisition

The Tamil Nadu government’s recent decision to acquire 3,774.01 acres of patta land in Parandur and 19 other villages in Kancheepuram district for a new greenfield airport near Chennai has sparked controversy and vehement opposition from the affected residents. Despite the administrative sanction through a Government Order, protests have erupted as people stand against the potential displacement caused by the ambitious airport project. The approved acquisition also includes the alienation of 1,972.12 acres of government lands in the 19 villages, signaling a significant expansion for the airport development. The move, while aimed at infrastructure enhancement, has faced backlash from locals, leading to protests staged at the Kancheepuram collectorate. Expressing their dissent, villagers, supported by environmental activists, voiced concerns over the government’s decision to acquire their patta lands, which are owned by them. The opposition is rooted in fears of displacement, environmental impact, and the potential disruption of local communities.