Clashes between IDF, Hezbollah in Lebanon

Tel Aviv: Even as the Qatari mediators have succeeded in extending the truce between Hamas and Israel for two more days, there were reports of heavy shelling between Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Hezbollah as well as other Palestinian organisations in Lebanon.

Lebanese officials have reported that the IDF have commenced shelling in the frontier area at select Hezbollah tarets.

It is to be noted that Hezbollah is an organisation that has the support of Iran and is much more professional than Hamas.

However, in a recent televised address, Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasarullah did not say anything on its attack plans against Israel.

Hezbollah is often referred to as a direct proxy of the Republic of Iran.

Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron has ssured that his country is keen to support and enhance Lebanon’s stability, security and independence.

“We have constantly supported these goals,” Macron was quoted as saying in a phone call with Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati on Tuesday.

The President added that he informed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on several occasions that France is concerned about the danger of escalation and the spread of the Gaza conflict into Lebanon, referring to the Hamas militant group.

Macron warned that the spread of the conflict into Lebanon “will have serious consequences” for the country and its people, adding that “no party should use the Lebanese territory in a way that contradicts the country’s sovereign interests”.

The President also underscored the urgent need to elect a new president for Lebanon to help the country emerge from its current crisis and avoid security deterioration associated with the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

The Lebanese southern border has witnessed cautious calm over the past two days after seven weeks of confrontations between the Hezbollah and Israeli forces after the Iran-backed militant group fired dozens of rockets toward the Jewish nation on October 8 in support of the Hamas surprise attack the previous day.