Tight security in city for New Year fete

Chennai’s traffic police have taken proactive measures to ensure the safety of New Year’s Eve revelers, unveiling a comprehensive plan of road diversions and parking arrangements.

These steps aim to manage the influx of celebratory crowds and maintain smooth traffic flow during the festive period.

Also over 10000 cops would be deployed on duty to maintain vigil. Special checkposts have been erected across the city. Besides hotels and recreation clubs, apartments celebrating the arrival of New Year’s have been instructed to obtain police permission.

Police have deployed teams outside hotels and resorts hosting New Year parties in and around Chennai such as East Coast Road (ECR), Besant Nagar, Marina Beach, Old Mahabalipuram Road (OMR) and Mahabalipuram. Security has also been tightened outside places of worship in the city. Sources say twenty-five mobile road safety teams will do the rounds and 25 more surveillance teams have been formed to prevent illegal racing by motorcyclists