Huge haul of cocaine at Chennai airport

Chennai: In a significant bust, authorities from the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) apprehended a 28-year-old man from Rajasthan at Chennai International Airport for attempting to smuggle a substantial quantity of cocaine worth approximately Rs. 28 crore.

The suspect, identified as Bharat Vasitha, was intercepted by DRI sleuths upon his arrival from Doha, Qatar. During a routine inspection of his luggage, the authorities made a startling discovery – 1 kg of cocaine concealed within his belongings.

The DRI team had received intelligence about a potential large-scale drug smuggling operation originating from abroad, prompting them to intensify surveillance at the airport. Their vigilance paid off when Vasitha’s suspicious activities raised red flags during the screening process.

Initially, the quantity of cocaine was thought to be smaller, but upon closer examination, authorities realized the staggering magnitude of the seized contraband. With an estimated value of Rs. 28 crore, the confiscated cocaine represents a significant blow to narcotics trafficking networks operating in the region.

Following his apprehension, Bharat Vasitha was taken into custody by the DRI for further investigation into the smuggling attempt. The authorities are working diligently to uncover any potential links to larger drug syndicates and to dismantle the networks responsible for such illicit activities.