‘Don’t risk people’s lives, replace aging bus fleet soon’ 

Leader of the Opposition and former Chief Minister, Edappadi K Palaniswami, has called on the Tamil Nadu government to urgently replace the aging fleet of buses to ensure the safety and comfort of commuters. Speaking on Tuesday, Palaniswami criticized the current administration for failing to follow through on its promises to allocate funds for new buses, leaving state transport employees to operate vehicles in deteriorating conditions.
Palaniswami highlighted several alarming incidents where the aging buses posed significant risks to public safety. There have been reports of footboards falling apart and tyres detaching from moving buses, he noted, accusing the Dravidian Model government of “playing with the lives of people.”
The recent heavy rains have further exposed the poor condition of the bus fleet. Passengers have been seen using umbrellas inside buses to shield themselves from roof leakages, and there have been instances of commuters having to push broken-down buses in hilly areas. These incidents underscore the urgent need for a modern and reliable public transport system.
Palaniswami criticized the DMK government for not delivering on its promises despite announcing fund allocations for the transport department during budget discussions. He demanded that the government take immediate action to purchase new buses, arguing that financial constraints should not be used as an excuse. He suggested that the government could allocate funds from the Rs 3.5 lakh crore loans it has secured during its 36-month tenure to replace the outdated fleet.