TN BJP slams EVKS over beef remarks

The Tamil Nadu BJP has condemned Congress MLA EVKS Elangovan over his recent remarks about beef. BJP state unit spokesperson ANS Prasad issued a statement on Friday, criticizing Elangovan’s comments and accusing the Congress of engaging in vote bank politics.
“It is clear from EVKS Elangovan’s speech that all Congressmen, from the Mahatma Gandhi-led Congress to the Sonia Gandhi-led Congress, only eat beef,” Prasad asserted.
He further claimed, “I feel that beef is served at the Congress office and to visitors at EVKS Elangovan’s house. That is why Elangovan also asks for beef food. People who repeatedly talk about beef do not know the mystery of refusing to talk about pork. Everything is vote bank politics.”
Prasad’s remarks have sparked a controversy, highlighting the ongoing political tensions between the BJP and Congress in Tamil Nadu. The BJP’s criticism reflects their broader strategy of appealing to conservative voters and emphasizing cultural and dietary issues as a point of political contention.
The debate over beef consumption has been a contentious issue in Indian politics, often reflecting broader cultural and religious divides. The BJP has consistently opposed the consumption and sale of beef, citing religious sentiments of the Hindu majority, while Congress leaders have sometimes taken a more liberal stance on the issue.