Trump vows to stop outsourcing, if elected Prez

Washington, July 10: Former American President Donald Trump has promised to end outsourcing if re-elected, which should sound alarm bells across India’s multi-billion-dollar outsourcing industry whose largest customer is the US,

“Stop outsourcing, and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower,” said Trump’s 2024 Republican Party Platform released ahead of the party convention next week to anoint him as the party nominee for the White House, in his third run.

The platform is a list of 20 promises that articulate Trump’s “vision to Make America Great Again in a way that is concise and digestible for every voter”, said Trump Campaign Senior Advisors Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles.

“While Joe Biden and Democrats argue about who will be at the top of their ticket and have implemented policies that have raised prices on everyday families, opened the floodgates to migrant crime via wide-open borders, shackled American energy with red tape forced by Washington bureaucrats, and sewn chaos across the world through weak foreign policy, President Trump will Make America Great Again through these America First principles.”