Actor Vishal’s unexpected health condition became a talking point on social media following his appearance at the pre-release event of Madha Gaja Raja. The film, directed by Sundar C and featuring Vishal alongside Santhanam, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, and Anjali, was completed in 2012 but faced delays due to unavoidable circumstances. Now, after 12 years, the movie is set to hit screens on January 12.
The pre-release event took place in Chennai yesterday evening, with notable attendees, including Vishal, Sundar C, Khushbu, and Vijay Antony. Vishal, dressed in a traditional silk veshti and shirt, surprised everyone when his hands and body began to tremble during his speech.
Host Divyadarshini clarified the situation, explaining that Vishal was suffering from a high fever but still chose to attend the event out of commitment. As his condition visibly worsened, a sofa was quickly brought in for him to sit while the event transitioned into a discussion featuring Sundar C, Vijay Antony, and Vishal.
The incident has sparked widespread concern on social media, with fans asking, “What happened to Vishal?”
Khushbu Praises Vishal’s Dedication
Speaking at the event, actress Khushbu shared heartfelt words about Vishal, highlighting his unwavering loyalty and strong friendships. She revealed, “Vishal and I are close friends, and my husband Sundar C often wonders how this friendship is so strong despite us never acting together. I’ve always told him, ‘Make a film with Vishal, and you’ll understand.’
She added, “If I asked Vishal to jump off a mountain, he wouldn’t question it; he’d just do it. That’s the kind of person he is—loyal and sincere. Madha Gaja Raja has been a labor of love for everyone involved, and I am confident it will be a mass entertainer and a perfect festive treat for Pongal.”