The West Bengal government on Tuesday approached the Calcutta High Court to challenge the Sealdah Court’s verdict of life imprisonment for Sanjoy Roy, the prime accused in the RG Kar rape and murder case. The state has demanded the death penalty instead, according to a report by The Indian Express.
Reacting to the government’s decision, the victim’s father told reporters, “Let us get the order copy tomorrow. We will review it and decide our next steps. There is no need for the Chief Minister to act in haste. Whatever she has done so far, she should not do anything more.”
The victim’s father expressed dissatisfaction with the investigation, alleging that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) failed to provide proper evidence in the case. He further accused the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and others of tampering with the investigation, saying, “She can say many things, but she and the then Commissioner of Police tampered with evidence. Couldn’t she see this from the beginning?”
State Advocate General Kishore Dutta informed the court about the government’s decision to challenge the verdict. Justice Debangshu Basak’s division bench has granted permission to file the challenge.