The Tamil Nadu State Highways Department has announced the construction of foot overbridges (FOBs) in two high-traffic areas—Koyambedu and Velachery—to ensure safe and convenient pedestrian movement.
The Koyambedu FOB, near the DMDK head office on Jawaharlal Nehru Salai, will cost ₹18 crore and be located between the grade separator and the CMBT flyover. It aims to enhance pedestrian safety in a busy area prone to accidents. Approximately 320 square metres of land will be acquired to prevent traffic congestion.
The Velachery FOB will be constructed at the Velachery Railway Bus Stop on Velachery-Tambaram Main Road. Both bridges will be equipped with escalators and elevators, benefiting senior citizens and people with physical challenges.
Bids for the project have been issued, and the initiative is expected to reduce traffic issues and ensure safer crossings on these arterial roads.