Ambattur Railway station to get better facilities

Chennai: Ooruni Maiyam has been in the forefront when it comes to fighting for rights. After months of striving hard for things to be done at Amabttur Railway Station, their attempts have finally started to bear fruit.

Ooruni Maiyam treasurer K B Anbazhagan said the organisation had four requests with respect to Ambattur Railway station. “We wanted reservations to be computerised, a subway to be built for residents to avoid them crossing the tracks, widening of the railover bridge and stoppage of express trains at the station,” he said.

“Two of our requests have now come into fruition as the Railways started computerised reservation at the station premises on Friday (25 January). We were overjoyed to hear that finally one of our requests came into action,” he said.

But more good news was to come, as the association members found out soon. The Southern Railway, in its letter sent to the association, on the same day, stated that it is, on an experimental basis stopping the Yelagiri Express running from Chennai Central to Jolarpet and also the Sapthagiri Express that runs from Central to Tirupati for the next six months- from 28 January to 27 July, this year. The Railway has also sent out the train stoppage time.

Residents were equally joyous with the development. Sumathi, a regular at Ambattur Station, said, “‘This is very good news. No more hassle for us if we want to get somewhere. I hope the Southern Railway finds the experimental stopping fruitful and decides to make it permanent. As for the computerised reservation, it is a double dhamaka for us train commuters. Things which could have been made better are finally made better.’
Ooruni Maiyam members reiterated that the development came due to help from Member of Parliament K N Ramachandran, who took particular notice on the matter and worked with the association members who went to the national capital to meet him and get the issue to be rectified.”