Certificate of election handed over to Rahul Gandhi in presence of Congress leaders

Senior Congress leaders from Kerala’s Wayanad constituency handed over the certificate of election to party MP-elect Rahul Gandhi in the presence of top leadership in Janpath, Delhi, on Sunday.

The Certificate of Election holds significance as it serves as a document for verifying the identity of the elected representatives when they proceed to the Lok Sabha for their induction ceremony.

It is a document issued by an election authority to declare the winners of an election and certify their eligibility to take office. It is a formal and legally binding statement of the results of an election and is used to verify the legitimacy of the elected officeholders.

Congress MP Rahul Gandhi was presented with the certificate in the presence of Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP) Chairperson Sonia Gandhi, INC General Secretary (organisation) KC Venugopal, and General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi.