OPS calls for increase in paddy procurement price

Expelled AIADMK leader O Panneerselvam has urged the Tamil Nadu government to increase the procurement price of paddy to Rs 3,500 per quintal. He emphasized the need for an announcement in this regard during the upcoming assembly session.
In a statement issued on Tuesday, Panneerselvam highlighted the DMK’s election manifesto, which had promised to raise the procurement price of paddy to Rs 2,500 per quintal. He criticized the ruling party for failing to fulfill this promise even after three years in power.
“The cost of cultivation has increased manifold,” Panneerselvam stated, pointing out the financial strain on farmers. He argued that the current procurement prices of Rs 2,310 per quintal for Grade A varieties and Rs 2,265 for common varieties are insufficient to cover the rising cultivation costs.
Panneerselvam called for an immediate revision of the procurement prices to reflect the increased expenses faced by farmers. He insisted that the state government take prompt action to address this issue, ensuring that the agricultural community receives fair compensation for their produce.
The demand for higher procurement prices underscores the ongoing challenges faced by farmers in Tamil Nadu, who are grappling with escalating costs of cultivation and other economic pressures. The upcoming assembly session is expected to address these concerns and potentially bring about policy changes to support the agricultural sector.