Red spells danger

Posted on   10:54 am

My thick skull is nuclear-resistant. Somehow, stuff like plutonium, uranium, curium, neptunium etc fail to make even a dent on my cranium. I guess it is so for many of you readers also with all this high voltage nit-picking on the the nitty-gritties of Indo-US nuclear deal passing way above our heads.

Shady connections

Posted on   10:50 am

The human mind, rational or religious, has an uncanny passion for dates as milestones on the eternal highway of time. In fact, even when there is no diary entry of a noteworthy event, ‘Days’ pop up every day, so to say: Valentine’s Day, Friendship Day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day etc. Of course, Independence Day is supposed to be intrinsically different.

Free to rise or fall

Posted on   10:38 am

The human mind, rational or religious, has an uncanny passion for dates as milestones on the eternal highway of time. In fact, even when there is no diary entry of a noteworthy event, ‘Days’ pop up every day, so to say: Valentine’s Day, Friendship Day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day etc. Of course, Independence Day is supposed to be intrinsically different.

Judgements unreserved

Posted on   10:32 am

With Kalam back in Chennai, Haneef back home, Sanjay Dutt back in jail, Madhani back in Kerala, J and K back at each other’s throat after just a few hours respite, over Tata, Tata’s Titanium itself back in the shelves, the monsoon back a bit too soon and yes, Indian cricket coming back into limelight with a win