Young girl in Chennai is talented clay artist

Chennai: Saranya Vivek, a 10-year-old girl from Pallikaranai, in the city has won the hearts of many through art.

This young talent has a passion towards painting, clay modelling and handicraft. This self-taught artist is famous for gifting her neighbours with handmade baskets.

Speaking to ‘News Today’, Saranya says, “I started learning craft through YouTube.”

Her mother Nalini says, “Saranya is a bright child. Although she is interested in crafts and painting, she has not neglected her studies. She is a responsible girl. After school she would come home and help me. Then she would complete her homework and watch YouTube to learn more craft.”

Saranya adores her father, she says,”My dad is my biggest support. He gives me suggestions and buys books that help me develop my skills. His appreciation has motivated me to become more creative. I want to improve myself slowly. I also love to play the keyboard, but I don’t have time for it.”

Saranya has a strong passion towards painting. Some of her works include portraits of APJ Abdul Kalam, B R Ambedkar, former Chief Minister Jayalalithaa and many more.

“I have heard several stories about great leaders through my father and this prompted me to take painting as well.”

She also does clay models and miniatures. “My interest in clay models started last year. I just use leaves and kalimann to make what I desire,” she concludes.

Saranya Vivek can be reached at 9123523716.