Chennaiite has 25 yrs experience in teaching Thanjavur painting

Posted on   5:22 pm

In 1990, I started to teach Thanjavur painting. Then, I worked as a drawing teacher for more than eight years in RMK School, Thiruverkadu. Out of my 40 students in a year, 25 became architects and fashion designers learning drawing. Till now, I would have taught more than 10,000 students in my 27 years of service.

Pondy CM says Bedi is violating spirit of oath of secrecy

Posted on   5:21 pm

Puducherry Chief Minister V Narayanasamy has charged Lt Governor Kiran Bedi with “violating the spirit of oath of secrecy”by “divulging all secret official communications” through social media and said it was “unbecoming” of a constitutional authority.

Book on pranic healing released in Chennai

Posted on   5:02 pm

The book was released by Textan Chemicals managing director, Krishnamachari, and the first two copies were given to Citizen Guardians founder-chairman, V Ravichandran, and retired Corporation engineer, P Ramachandra Raju.