Chennaiite recollects his father’s struggle for freedom

Chennai: Ragubathi, a resident of Vijayanagar, Velacheri in the city is proud to have come from the family of a freedom fighter. His father, K Nainiyappan (1971-1973) played a key role in the struggle for independence.

Speaking to ‘News Today’, Ragubathi recalls his father’s story.

“My father came to Chennai at the age of six from Beladi, Karnataka. He worked at various places like provisional store, newspaper agency etc, as he did not have a permanent job. He was a big follower of Congress leader, Kamarajar.” Nainiyappan was part of the Quit India Movement and was jailed for a year for participating in it.

“During the protest, policemen chased people away. My father managed to pin a paper on the back of a constable, which said – naan oru muttal.”

He adds,”During imprisonment my father along with others underwent torture. He was given urine to drink instead of water. The Britishers filled underground pests in a coconut shell and tied them around prisoners’ waist,” Ragubathi recalls.

“Only after Independence did my father get a permanent job as a newspaper agent. He used to conduct meetings and campaigns in order to support Kamarajar. He worked with Erode Eswaran Pillai and S Ramakrishnan Iyer, who were also freedom fighters.”

Nainiyappan was given Tharamarai Pattayam (land given to all freedom fighters by Indira Gandhi)

“My father’s photo is kept at the Thiyagigal Ninaivu Mandapam in Gandhi Mandapam. Only three freedom fighters photos from Chennai are kept there. I am very proud and happy that my father was a reason for getting independence. He has inspired me in many ways,” concludes Ragubathi.