Bloom in yellow

The month of August is a mixed season, where the sun scorches in the morning on most days, and becomes mild on other days. Sometimes, it rains in the middle of the day. These sudden weather changes might make you wonder on how to be a trendsetter in clothes.

Well, try using flashy colours or bold colours, like yellow, orange, fuchsia, etc. Among them, yellow can be called as neutral, because there are many shades of yellow that will make you look warm and not like a blazing fireball on earth.

Royal look

If you are wondering how to start, take a look at Princess Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge. A pastel shade of yellow dress will not only accentuate your looks but will also be a showstopper. Team it up with minimal accessories and you are good to go.

Bottoms up

Are you a morning walker? Or a tomboy who prefers shirt-pant unlike dresses. Then check out this bright sunshine yellow pant that can make you look dashing and lift your spirits up in the morning. Pair it up with a crop top or a tee and you will be the fashion diva for the day.

All covered

You can never go wrong in this sandal shade yellow mid-waist coat. A saviour during sudden climate changes, it will protect you from tan or can be used as a sweater when you want to stroll under slight showers. Its striking bold colour will turn heads during gloomy cloudy days.

Oomph factor

Tired of wearing the same red-black-blue-green gowns? Try wearing a yellow gown for a change. Apart from being resplendent, you will be a desirable lady at the occasion. Try wearing gowns of different necklines like off-shoulder, sweetheart, halter neck, etc. Pair it up with a box clutch and comfortable stilletoes and jaws will drop when you step out.

Less is better

There will be some who do not prefer getting flashy or feel that yellow is too bright for them, but still want to be in the fashion race. Well, it that is so, try having a lime yellow clutch or sling bag. You can also wear yellow sneakers to work or college, and it will be a welcome change from the usual black/brown sneakers.