UGC plans learning outcomes-based curriculum framework

Chennai: Considering the need for sustained initiatives for institutionalising an outcome-oriented higher education system and enhancing the employability of graduates, the UGC is structuring curriculum reform, based on a learning outcomes-based curriculum framework (LOCF).

“With this, improving or upgrading academic resources and learning environment, raising the quality of teaching and research across all higher education institutions, technology use and integration to improve teaching-learning processes and reach a larger body of students through alternative learning modes such as open and distance learning modes and use of MOOCs (massive open online courses) would be focused,” said a UGC source.

The learning outcomes-based curriculum framework for undergraduate education is based on the expected learning outcomes and academic standards that are expected to be attained by graduates of a programme of study and holder of a qualification.

“The key outcomes that underpin curriculum planning and development at the undergraduate level include Graduate Attributes, Qualification Descriptors, Programme Learning Outcomes, and Course Learning Outcomes.”

Teaching Methodology
There will also be a major concentration on teaching reforms as well through LOCF. The outcome-based approach, particularly in the context of undergraduate studies, requires a significant shift from teacher-centric to learner-centric pedagogies, and from passive to active / participatory pedagogies, the UGC source said.

“Planning for teaching becomes critical. Every programme of study lends itself to the well-structured and sequenced acquisition of knowledge and skills. Practical skills, including an appreciation of the link between theory and experiment, will constitute an important aspect of the teaching-learning process,” they added, and said teaching methods, guided by such a framework, may include, lectures supported by group tutorial work, practicum and field-based learning, the use of prescribed textbooks and e-learning resources and other self-study materials, open-ended project work, some of which may be team-based, activities designed to promote the development of generic, transferable and subject-specific skills, and internship and visits to field sites, and industrial or other research facilities.

Assessment Reforms
When it comes to qualifying the graduates through assessments, a wide range of methods that are appropriate to a given discipline, subject area and a programme of study will be used to assess progress towards the course or programme learning outcomes.

Priority will be accorded to formative assessment. Progress towards achievement of learning outcomes will be assessed using criteria like time-constrained examinations, closed-book and open-book tests, problem-based assignments, practical assignment laboratory reports, observation of practical skills, individual project reports (case study reports), team project reports, oral presentations, including seminar presentation, viva voce interviews, computerised adaptive testing, peer and self-assessment, and any other pedagogic approaches as per the context.


To be continued tomorrow…