Chennai school students get to know about Marine police

Corporation Higher Secondary school students on board Coast Guard ship ‘SAGAR’ on Tuesday.

Chennai: Students of Corporation Higher Secondary school, Thiruvanmiyur took part in a programme ‘A Day with Marine Police’ organised by the Coastal Security Group wing of Tamilnadu police on Tuesday.

According to a press release, 20 students from Corporation Higher Secondary school, Thiruvanmiyur, who were selected through an essay competition on Indian Coast accompanied by their teachers arrived at the Tamilnadu Police headquarters.

Senior officers, including Directorate General of Police, Tamilnadu, T K Rajendran and ADGP, CSG K Vannia Perumal, addressed the students on carrier development and social responsibility.

The students were taken to Chennai Harbour for a visit to the Indian Coast Guard ship ‘SAGAR’.

The Coast Guard officers briefed them about their contribution in coastal security. The students were also taken on a ride in the Marine Police Fast Interceptor Boat inside the harbour.

They also visited the Marine Police Station at Marina and were briefed about the functioning of a police station, weapons and equipment used  and about Marine life protection.