NGO provides home cooked meals for elderly in Chennai

Chennai: Most of us would have witnessed elderly people in our homes whose health weakens as they age. They are restricted to one place – confined by their physical limitations and find it difficult to even perform simple chores like cooking for themselves.

Enter ‘Chennai Geriatric Catering Services’ based in Anna Nagar in the city that offers nutritious meals for elders.

Started in 2014, the catering service is run by a group of women who cook meals based on elders’ diet and health conditions. It is spear-headed by Vijayalakshmi Ulaganathan.

“Dr VS Natarajan, known for introducing geriatric care in India, is the brain behind this catering service. When I approached him with an intent to start a daycare centre for elders, he suggested I initiate a catering service instead,” says Vijayalakshmi.

Vijayalakshmi then explains the need for such a service in the city. “Many elders in the city nowadays have their children living abroad and they live alone,” she said, and adds,“They find it difficult to go out, buy what they want and cook. So, for them, we supply food at home.”

The not-for-profit team offers home-cooked meals. Vijayalakshmi makes it a point that the meals have the required nutrition value and are on a par with the diet of the elders.

She said,”We make sure that our method of cooking and the ingredients we use are hygienic. I check if we use appropriate ingredients as it is vital to take care of the elder’s meals because their organs are sensitive.”

After the meals are cooked, they are then delivered to the respective homes.”We do our best to make sure that the food isn’t delayed because there are some elders who take their meals at a specific time,” says Vijayalakshmi. She is also looking out for volunteers who can deliver food to the elders.

Her team prepares food for elders living in and around the area of Anna Nagar. Vijayalakshmi credits her husband, Ulaganathan, for his consistent support ever since the catering service began. ‘Chennai Geriatric Catering Services’ has surely become a boon for the elderly across the city.

Contact Vijayalakshmi at [email protected]