Undeterred mortuary employees speak about their work

Posted on   2:17 pm

Far away from the moaning and groaning patients mortuary workers of a government hospital in Chennai’s suburb work diligently. No matter how many corpses they receive per day or how bruised or how gory the cadaver, they are always ready for work, even if it is in the wee hours of the day. Truly, they are the unsung heroes.

Auto refurbishing industry set to thrive again, thanks to electric vehicles

Posted on   2:14 pm

There was a time when people who had bikes and cars in India were seen with awe and naturally, respected, for they had the money to buy and run those vehicles. With very few vehicle owners, the aftermarket industry was not a great one back in the day, with only OEMs and certain houses present and prevalent. Thus, the informal sector grew and ran successfully alongside the formal sector when it came to the automotive industry.