Ramapuram to turn green

Chennai: Almost all areas in Ramapuram will now be seen greener and soon have access to fresh oxygen. The Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) hosted a tree planting ceremony recently at 155th ward, Rayala Nagar in Ramapuram. This event took place under the Miyavaki scheme plan wherein 600 saplings were planted on 6000 sq. ft corporation owned land.

Minister of Rural Industries, P Benjamin inaugurated the event and along with him, G Prakash, IAS, commissioner of GCC, Alby John Varghese, IAS, Chennai corporation regional deputy commissioner (South), and Valasaravakkam Zonal officer took part in the ceremony.

The gathering included the residents of Rayala Nagar and the members of Rayala Nagar Association, office bearers of Ramapuram Social Welfare Federation, and volunteers of environmental NGOs and workers, and Trees charitable trust office bearers.

The residents welcomed this initiative and took part in the ceremony happily.

Talking to us, president of Rayala Nagar Association, Kishore said, ”This is the most useful initiative by the corporation which will have good effect on environment. Further, the local residents’ welfare associations, NGOs and other volunteers should join their hands for such noble acts and protect our environment.”

”The population rise in our locality echoes in the increase of vehicular movement. Notwithstanding the peak hours, anytime, the roads are tight-packed with motorbikes, cars, and Lorries. The smoke emitted by these vehicles, affect our environment so badly. Besides, the cutting of trees due to the commercial establishments and residential encroachments is increasing. This affects people badly and the senior citizens are facing several lung problems. In this scenario, planting of bulk amount of saplings has given us a big ray of hope,” a resident of Rayala Nagar said.

He added, ”This is a fast-developing sub-urban area with new commercials popping up every day. However, it is our responsibility to keep our environment clean and green. The NGOs in the locality should conduct an awareness drive among the people about afforestation. They also should take care of the trees in their locality from the predators.”

”We appreciate this move and thank the officials for the saplings. However, the corporation should also appoint workers/volunteers to take care of these saplings. During the initial days of plant growth, a good care is essential. So the volunteers should fence them and protect them from cattle. In addition, they also water them regularly,” said Kishore.