Quarantine reality check: Chennai-based psychologist lists out simple steps

Nivetha Raj

Chennai: It has been a challenging few days as we fight the outbreak of Covid 19 pandemic worldwide. Everyone have to play their part right to flatten the curve. Amidst all this, the quarantine seems to be like a reality check for many people out there.

Speaking to News Today, psychologist & EQ Coach, Arise ‘n’ Shine, Nivetha Raj, says, we should keep few things in mind during the quarantine. They include…

Digital Distancing

“We are all familiar with social distancing by now, but it’s also important to practice digital distancing. Be responsible and refrain from spreading incorrect information as it stirs panic and anxiety. Keep yourself updated through reliable sources and spread accurate information,” she says.

Build A Daily Routine

“It is essential that one develops a daily routine specific to their lifestyle. Make sure you develop of routine which has time for fitness, meals, family, entertainment, self-care, and professional commitments. This will ensure you stay balanced both physically and emotionally”, says Nivetha.

Handle Your Emotions

This is definitely a time of distress for all of us. You could engage in things that make you feel good, read a book, listen to music, learn something new, talk to a loved one, seek spiritual comfort or reach out for professional help from a psychologist or mental health expert who would be glad to help you, Nivetha states.

Practice Self Care

There should be no compromise on taking care of yourself and your family during this pandemic. Every family member must do their part in daily chores around the home and be there for one another both physically and emotionally, because that’s what will keep you going during such tough times, she adds.

Blessing In Disguise

This quarantine seems like a blessing in disguise. It is important to realise that we would never get this stay at home time back again. You could productively use this time to accomplish things that have been pushed aside or overlooked due to lack of time, she winds up.