Editorial: Order, order

The Madras High Court Friday ordered the closure of government-run retail liquor outlets in the State till the lockdown is lifted.

The court said the government can use online and home delivery models to sell liquor during the lockdown period. This may have shocked tipplers who celebrated the opening of shutters Thursday. But people from various walks of lives have welcomed it.

The court earlier allowed opening of TASMAC shops with severe restrictions. The norms insisted by the court included rationing by permitting one person to purchase only one bottle of liquor (750 ml) per day.

Unfortunately there was mad rush in front of these shops and social distancing went for a toss. Also number of crimes increased in the past couple of days. Even the opposition led by the DMK staged protest against opening TASMAC shops.

It remains to be seen if the order of the High Court is challenged. But be it TASMAC or even the grocery market, people should follow certain hygiene. They should carry sanitisers and wear masks. Stay a few meters away from others. A healthy environment alone can fight the deadly pandemic called corona.