The makers of the upcoming film ‘Jawan’ starring Shah Rukh Khan dropped a new poster featuring Vijay Sethupathi. A tweet shared by Red Chillies Entertainment, shared an interesting intense teaser poster with a close up of Vijay’s “furious” eyes. The Twitter handle captioned: “He’s watching you closely! Watch out for him. #Jawan.” Not much is known about Vijay’s role in the film, however it is assumed that the south star will be seen in shades of gray in the upcoming film. A glimpse of Vijay was seen in the recently released ‘Jawan’ prevue earlier this month. It also showcased Shah Rukh’s character who was born in jail and grows up to be an officer. Speculation about playing a double role started when the prevue highlighted an older Shah Rukh, setting up a team of women and taking a metro train hostage. Shah Rukh was also seen in a bald avatar dancing on ‘Bekaraar Karke’ in the prevue, which won the hearts of many fans. It also came as a surprise after Shah Rukh Khan displayed his dance skills by choreographing his own steps in a captivating sequence of action entertainer ‘Jawan’. He gave steps to the popular retro song ‘Beqarar Karke’ in the movie.