Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) announced on Wednesday the return of the former cricketer Gautam Gambhir as the ‘mentor’ of the franchise and will join hands with head coach Chandrakant Pandit. Earlier, Gambhir was associated with the Kolkata-based franchise from 2011 to 2017, which is considered the golden period of KKR. During this period, the team won the Indian Premier League (IPL) twice, qualified for the playoffs five times, and reached the finals of the Champions League T20 in 2014. Speaking on his return, the former India opener said that this move made him emotional since he will be returning to his former team. Gambhir also added that he is not only coming back to the franchise but to the ‘City of Joy’. “I am not an emotional person and not many things move me. But this is different. This is back to where it all started. Today, there is a lump in my throat and fire in my heart as I think about slipping into that purple and gold jersey once again. I am not only coming back to KKR but I am coming back to the city of joy. I am back. I am hungry. I am number 23. Ami KKR,” Gambhir said as quoted by a release from KKR.