Annamalai criticises govt over stamp duty hike

Tamil Nadu BJP President K. Annamalai has unleashed a scathing attack on the DMK government, condemning its decision to increase stamp duty in the state. Annamalai asserted that the hike would only add to the financial burden borne by the people of Tamil Nadu, exacerbating their woes.
Expressing dismay at the state government’s propensity to impose additional financial burdens on its citizens, Annamalai highlighted the alarming surge in stamp duty rates under the DMK regime. He emphasized that the magnitude of the increase was staggering and served as a cause for concern among residents.
Annamalai drew attention to a previous ruling by the Madras High Court, which had invalidated a decision by the Inspector General of Registration in 2023 to levy stamp duty and registration charges based on guideline values from 2012. Despite the court’s directive to revert to the 2017 valuation standards, the DMK government has purportedly flouted the order, persisting in the collection of inflated fees.
The BJP leader accused the DMK government of orchestrating a systematic escalation of Market Value Guidelines (MVG) for immovable properties, further exacerbating the financial strain on citizens. He raised suspicions of favoritism towards certain real estate and construction firms with close ties to the ruling dispensation, insinuating collusion in the decision-making process.
Demanding immediate action, Annamalai called upon the state government to rescind the stamp duty hike and adhere to the directives issued by the Madras High Court. He urged authorities to revert to the 2017 guideline values for the collection of fees, thereby alleviating the financial burden on the populace.