Russian missiles kill 4 people in Kharkiv

Kharkiv, June 1: Ukraine and Russia exchanged prisoners of war on Friday, each sending back 75 POWs in the first such swap in the past three months, officials said.
The Ukrainian POWs, including four civilians, were returned on several buses that drove into the northern Sumy region. As they disembarked, they shouted joyfully and called their families to tell them they were home. Some knelt and kissed the ground, while many wrapped themselves in yellow-blue flags.
They hugged one another, breaking into tears. Many appeared emaciated and poorly dressed.
The exchange was the fourth prisoner swap this year and the 52nd since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. It included a total of 150 POWs and the United Arab Emirates helped negotiate this latest exchange, the Foreign Ministry in Kyiv said.
The two sides have traded blame for what they say is a slowdown in the swaps.
Ukraine has in the past urged Russia to swap “all for all” and rallies calling for the release of POWs take place across Ukraine weekly. A Ukrainian official at the headquarters coordinating the exchanges, Vitalii Matviienko said that “Ukraine is always ready.”
Tatyana Moskalkova, Russia’s human rights ombudsperson, said earlier this week that Kyiv was making “new artificial demands,” without elaborating.
Among those who were returned home to Ukraine on Friday was Roman Onyschuk, an IT worker who joined Ukrainian forces as a volunteer at the start of the Russian invasion. He was captured in March 2022 in the Kharkiv region.
“I’ll be home soon,” he said, wiping away his tears. He learned that his wife had fled to Lithuania with their son. The Kantypenko family is from Izium in the Kharkiv region, which survived Russian occupation.
Kantypenko said the Russians woke him up in the middle of the night without any explanation, giving him a short time to change his clothes before they were on their way.
U.N. reports based on post-release interviews have found that the majority of Ukrainian POWs are subject to routine medical neglect, severe and systematic mistreatment, and even torture. The same reports have found isolated reports of abuse of Russian soldiers, mostly during capture or transit to internment sites.
At least one-third of Ukrainians who returned home suffered “injuries, severe illnesses, and disabilities,” according to the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of POWs.
Among those returned Friday were 19 Ukrainian fighters from Snake island, 14 people captured at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, and 10 fighters from the city of Mariupol that was captured by Russia.
Five women were among the returned Ukrainian POWs, including Nataliia Manuilova, who was a cook in the Azov regiment and spent more than two years in captivity. The Russians took her from her home in Mariupol, pulling a bag over her head and tying her hands, she recounted.
“I hate them. They took away two years of my beautiful life,” she said, hugging her son on Friday. “I can’t believe he’s grown up like this,” said Nataliia Manuilova.