TN govt to acquire more land for second airport in Parandur

In a significant move to advance the development of Chennai’s second airport, the Tamil Nadu government has announced the acquisition of an additional 67 hectares of land in Parandur. This expansion is part of the state’s ongoing efforts to bolster the region’s aviation infrastructure and meet the increasing air traffic demands.

The new airport in Parandur is a strategic initiative aimed at alleviating congestion at the existing Chennai International Airport and catering to the growing passenger and cargo traffic. The additional land acquisition will facilitate the construction of essential facilities, including runways, terminals, and ancillary infrastructure, ensuring the new airport can handle the projected future demand efficiently.

The Tamil Nadu government has been actively working on this project, considering its potential to enhance connectivity, stimulate economic growth, and create job opportunities in the region. The acquisition process is expected to be carried out smoothly, with due consideration given to the concerns and welfare of the landowners and local communities.

Chief Minister M. K. Stalin has emphasized the importance of this project in strengthening Tamil Nadu’s position as a key aviation hub in India. The state government is committed to completing the airport project within the stipulated timelines, ensuring that Chennai’s second airport becomes operational at the earliest.

It may be noted that the residents of Parandur and the neighbouring villages, who will be evicted from the land identified for the second airport for Chennai, have been opposing the plan to acquiring their agricultural land for airport project for a long time. They have been staging many protests urging the government to drop the proposal.