Yoga Day event: Rajnath to visit Ramanathapuram

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh is scheduled to visit Arichal node near Dhanushkodi in Ramanathapuram tomorrow, ahead of an International Yoga Day event on June 21.

Singh is set to arrive in Ramanathapuram on Thursday evening via a private helicopter. During his visit, the minister will inspect key defense installations in the region. He is expected to visit the Coast Guard camp in Mandapam and the INS Parundu naval air station located near Uchipuli, Ramanathapuram.

Following these inspections, Rajnath Singh will participate in the International Yoga Day event, which is scheduled for 6 am on Friday. The yoga session at Dhanushkodi will see participation from officials of the Coast Guard, the Air Force, the Navy, and the Marine Police. Additionally, the Ramanathapuram Collector and Superintendent of Police have been invited to the event.