Four students held with weapons in New Washermanpet

In a startling incident on Wednesday, four second-year students from a North Chennai college were detained for carrying sharp weapons in New Washermanpet. The students were reportedly coerced by their seniors to bring the weapons to college on the first day of reopening.

The incident unfolded as a group of students celebrated the reopening of their college by dancing near the New Washermanpet bus depot. They were displaying banners with their college name and attempting to board a Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC) bus when the police intervened.

A police patrol team, which had been deployed to prevent any disturbances in the area, conducted a routine examination of the students’ bags and discovered knives and sickles in the possession of four students. The authorities immediately detained the students for questioning.

During the interrogation, the students revealed that they had been forced by their seniors to bring the weapons to college. The motive behind this coercion is still unclear, and a detailed investigation is underway to uncover further details.

The police have summoned the parents of the detained students to discuss the matter and emphasize the gravity of the situation. The authorities have assured that a thorough probe is being conducted to identify the seniors responsible for pressuring the juniors into such dangerous activities.

The incident has sparked concern among parents and the general public about the safety and environment within educational institutions. Parents and local residents have urged the college administration and police to take stringent measures to prevent such occurrences in the future.

In response to the incident, a senior police official stated, “This is a serious matter, and we will ensure that those responsible for forcing the students to carry weapons are brought to justice. The safety and security of students are our top priority, and we will take all necessary steps to maintain a safe environment.”

The college administration has also promised to cooperate fully with the police investigation and take disciplinary action against any students found guilty of involvement in this incident.