Kanchipuram: In a significant development, the Anti-Corruption and Vigilance Department police conducted a surprise raid at the residence of Syamala, a former Town Planning Officer of the Kanchipuram City Municipal Corporation, following allegations of amassing wealth disproportionate to her known sources of income.
Syamala, who was previously serving as the Town Planning Officer at the Kanchipuram Municipal Office, has since been transferred to the Cheyyar Municipality Office. The raid was prompted by a complaint lodged with the Kanchipuram Anti-Corruption and Vigilance Department, accusing her of accumulating assets beyond her lawful earnings.
Upon receiving the complaint, the Kanchipuram district Anti-Corruption and Vigilance police registered a case against Syamala. Early this morning, at around 6:30 AM, a team led by Kanchipuram Anti-Corruption DSP Kalaichelvan, along with Inspector Geetha and other police officers, initiated a search at Syamala’s residence located on Rajagopal Boopathy Street in Kanchipuram.
The ongoing search has created a stir among the officials of the Kanchipuram Municipal Corporation, drawing significant attention to the case.