The process of door-to-door voter list verification commenced today across Tamil Nadu. This initiative, which will run from August 20 to October 18, aims to update and streamline the electoral roll in preparation for upcoming elections.
During this period, officials will be tasked with verifying the accuracy of the voter list, reordering polling stations, correcting discrepancies between voter IDs and the voter list, and ensuring that high-quality photographs are included. Additionally, there will be a focused effort to realign area boundaries to better reflect the current demographics.
A consolidated draft of the updated voter list is scheduled for release on October 29. Following the release, from October 29 to November 28, there will be an opportunity for citizens to apply for the inclusion of new names in the electoral roll, request the deletion of outdated entries, and submit applications for corrections or transfers.
All applications related to these changes must be submitted by December 24. The final, updated voter list is set to be published on January 6, 2025, ensuring that the electoral roll is accurate and up-to-date for the next electoral cycle. This comprehensive effort underscores the importance of maintaining a reliable and current voter list to ensure fair and efficient elections in Tamil Nadu.