Tamil Nadu athletes who triumphed at the Paralympics were warmly welcomed by officials from the Tamil Nadu Sports Development Authority at Chennai airport on Wednesday. These athletes made their state and country proud with their impressive performances in badminton.
Thulasimathi, a 22-year-old from Kanchipuram district, secured a silver medal in the Paralympics badminton singles SU5 category. Manusha, a 19-year-old from Thiruvallur district, won a bronze medal in the same category. Additionally, Nithya Sri, also 19, from Hosur, set a record by clinching a bronze medal in the badminton singles SH6 category.
Bronze medalist Manusha shared her joy, stating, “Winning a bronze medal in the Paralympics is gratifying. It was my dream to participate in the Olympics.” She highlighted the financial challenges she and her family faced, with her parents making significant sacrifices to support her participation in competitions.
Silver medalist Thulasimathi expressed her gratitude towards her father, who introduced her to badminton at a young age and supported her throughout her journey. She also thanked Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin and Sports Department officials for their support, which allowed her to continue her education alongside her training.
Nithya Sri, who won a bronze medal, said, “Winning a bronze medal in the Paralympics makes me very happy. I am thankful to my parents, coaches, and the Tamil Nadu government for helping me to succeed.”
The achievements of these athletes have brought immense pride to Tamil Nadu, and their stories of perseverance and dedication serve as an inspiration to many.