The Chennai-based production house Twinkle Labs Productions, led by ex-army officer and filmmaker MA Bala, has officially announced its next project, an untitled mystery thriller, which is directed by MA Bala himself. Following the critical success of his previous directorial venture Karthikeyanum Kaanamal Pona Kathaliyum, MA Bala has returned to helm a new film, which began with an auspicious pooja ceremony in Chennai on Diwali (October 31).
The film features Yashika Anand and Ram Prasad in lead roles, both portraying doctors entangled in a suspense-filled storyline. This project marks a significant turn for Ram Prasad, who is stepping into the film industry as an actor while being a doctor by profession, adding authenticity to his character. His co-star, Yashika Anand, is already a popular face known for her versatile performances and is anticipated to bring depth to this high-intensity thriller.
Accompanying MA Bala’s direction is a skilled team, with David Baskar managing cinematography, Vibin R composing the music, and PRO responsibilities handled by Sathishwaran. The film is set to be shot extensively in Chennai, with production expected to ramp up in the coming weeks.