Pondy gas leak: Another woman hospitalised

Pudhuchery: Puducherry’s Pudhu Nagar area is grappling with the aftermath of a tragic toxic gas leak that claimed the lives of three family members and left another woman unconscious.

The incident has prompted local authorities to undertake extensive repair works and forced the closure of two schools.

On June 11, an elderly woman, her daughter, and her granddaughter succumbed to asphyxiation due to a toxic gas leak at their residence in Pudhu Nagar. The community was further shaken on Thursday when a 38-year-old woman fell unconscious from exposure to the same poisonous gas. She has been admitted to a hospital for urgent medical treatment.

Repair works on the underground drainage systems, which are suspected to be the source of the gas leak, have been underway for three consecutive days. Authorities are working around the clock to resolve the issue and ensure the safety of the residents.

In response to the hazardous conditions, two schools in the Pudhu Nagar area have declared a holiday until June 17. This decision was made to protect students and staff while repair works are completed and the situation is fully resolved.

The deaths of the three family members on Tuesday have cast a pall over the Pudhu Nagar community. Local residents and authorities are on high alert, with ongoing efforts to prevent further incidents and ensure public safety.

As the repair works continue, the community remains hopeful that the situation will be brought under control soon. The incident has highlighted the urgent need for stringent safety measures and regular maintenance of public infrastructure to prevent such tragedies in the future.

Local authorities are expected to provide further updates on the situation and any additional measures being taken to safeguard residents from similar incidents.